Your burger tastes a little bit off? You're just imagining things! 

Use cheap ingredients. Make orders. And sell them at full prices! Cheat your way through to be the best junk food restaurant in the galaxy in this cooking card game! And of course, don't get caught!

* The game has no sound


How to play

  • Buy ingredients: Buy enough ingredients before opening the shop
  • Cook: Make food orders for customers to gain money
  • Make profits: Use the lowest quality food possible and slice them in half to minimize your resources and maximize your profits. Reaching the goal to win the game!

Key points

  • Using whole ingredients too often will make you unable to reach the goal due to insufficient resources. You may want to slice them in half or use cheat ingredients instead!
  • Giving half or cheat ingredients to customers will increase the chance for them to notice the unusual when the order is complete. Do not cheat them too much!
  • Getting caught reduces your rating by one. Zero rating means game over!
  • Some customers have unique modifiers. E.g. Vegan eats only veggies, Celebrity gives your ratings, etc. You can use a scan to reveal their types.


A game by Nat, Min, & Neung



  • 08/16/2021 - Adjust game balance & QoL
  • 08/17/2021 - Adjust game balance


This game is currently unavailable

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